Reduce intake of calorie
You have to reduce your calorie intake no matter what you control like protein, carbohydrate or fat. Reducing calorie intake results in quick weight loss. But do not try to reduce calorie intake too quickly, otherwise it will dangerous for your health.
Eat low fat food:
When it comes to fat the, caloric components of Carbohydrate and protiens is much lower as compared with fat. This means that you have to eat less. Including fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals in your diet plan instead of fat foods like cream. But not every one can lose weight by decreasing the fat intake. If you intake too much carbohydrate you'll also become fat.
Reduce food intake
To lose weight you have to give up eating your favorite foods and say no to them. You can place a balance with a slogan that remind you of food intake.Eat more liquid foodYou can decrease 10 pounds in 8 months if you have liquid food as one meal every day. Liquid food should be diversification in order to avoid the lack of nutrition. You can intake liquid foods in your diet by the guidance of doctor. This will help to reduce 10 lbs in 5 weeks. But you must make sure that liquid food you intake is enriched with nutrients and proteins your body needs.
Walking for 45 minutes through 5Km each day with 5 days per week, will help you lose 10 pounds in six months. If you increase your walking distance, then your weight loss will be faster. As this walking increases appetite so you can eat low-fat food or fresh fruit and drink plenty of water to supply body moisture.
Regular exercise
Doing regular exercise will reduce fat, lose weight, increase muscle. You'll also gain energy. Exercise like, swimming, cycling, running, etc.
Weight lifting exercise
You can try weight lifting exercise to accelerate muscle metabolism and lose weight. You must do so under supervision of an instructor in order to abstain your self from hurting. You must do stretching before and after exercise for body flexibility.