Friday, July 31, 2009

Eat To Lose - Part 2

Lets continue ahead ... concluding part.

6. Green Tea - Antitoxidants called catechins are what help speed metabolism and fat burning. Green tea also boosts the metabolism and lowers bad LDL cholesterol.

7. Lean beef - Who says you got to keep totally off meat if you are trying to shed weight? The amino acid leucine, which is abundant in meat and fish as well as in dairy products, can help you reduce while maintaining claorie-burning muscle.

8. Olive Oil - Fight off that middle-age bulge with extra virgin olive oil. A monounsaturated fat, it'll help you burn calories.

9. Cinnamon - Sprinkle it on oatmeal or whole-grain toast to help sure those mid-afternoon sugar slumps. Research has found that a little cinnamon can help control post-meal insulin spikes, which make you feel hungry.

10. Nuts - Yes, nuts are fattening but research shows that people who snack on nuts tend to be slimmer than those who don't. They help by reviving up the metabolism. Plus certain nuts like walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for you.

Source : Body & Soul, TOI

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eat To Lose - Part 1

If you thought the only way of losing weight is not wating at all, think again. New research shows a number of foods - from beans to beef - that can help you fight hunger, increase your metabolism and ultimately, shed those extra kilos/pounds.

1. Eggs - Eggs are full of protein and help you feel fuller longer. They also prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to food cravings.

2. Beans - Get back on the green diet. Eating beans increases Cholecystokinin, a digestive hormone and a natural appetite suppressant. There's also evidence that beans keep blood sugar in check, so you can stay away from the hunger pangs longer.

3. Salad - Control your calorie intake by starting with a large salad sans the creamy mayonnaise dressing. A alrge serving of salad can keep you full and contains high levels of vitamins C & E, folic acid, lycopene and carotenoids.

4. Soup - A cup of chicken soup is as good as eating a piece of chicken. Even the simplest soup satisfies hunger pangs because your brain perceives it as filling.

5. Pears - These contain pectin fiber which decreases blood-sugar levels, helping you avoid in between snacking.

Source : Body & Soul, TOI

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brain Boosting Activities - 3

11. Starting the day out with a good breakfast has been proven to supply energy to the brain and body for the whole day. When you skip breakfast, you’re missing out on a powerful edge, both physically and mentally.

12. Walking allows you to clear your mind and thoughts. Not only is it good exercise for your body, walking gives your brain a chance to wander freely, clearing it of any
troublesome thoughts.

13. Drink a serving of pure fruit juice.. Fruit juice contains nutrients that revitalize and refresh the brain. Juices to drink are pomegranate, blueberry, and cranberry as they deliver more focus and energy.

14. Students who drink some caffeine before an exam typically have higher scores than those who don’t. This is because caffeine stimulates activity in the brain, which produces better focus and thinking ability. Don’t overdo it though!

15. Draw a picture. Like painting, drawing stimulates the creative side of your brain. So get out some colored pencils and start boosting your brainpower.

To get the most out of these brain boosting activities, mix them up and do a variety of them at different times. Just choosing one won’t boost your brainpower, however, combining and alternating them will give your brain the added boost you need now and in the long run.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Basics of Weight Control - 2

Beware of the creeping waistline

Experts predict nine out of ten people will be overweight or obese at some point in their lifetime. However, most people don't realize they're becoming overweight because it happens fairly slowly. The average yearly weight gain among adults is one to three pounds. This means most people are off by only 20 to 30 calories a day. Small changes such as skipping those last few bites or taking 200-300 extra steps per day will keep you trim and away from weight loss diets. But keep in mind as you get older, you're likely to burn fewer calories because your daily routine changes. This means you need to start thinking about your caloric intake and your level of physical activity. And to keep your weight in check, you'll need to get on the scale or measure your waistline more than once a year.

Boost your calorie IQ

One of the most effective weight control tools is tracking what you eat. An old fashioned pen and paper work just fine but online trackers also offer support and feedback. After a week or so, you'll be amazed at how much you learn and your calorie IQ will get a huge boost. Those who consistently track what they eat lose more weight and are more successful at keeping the weight off. Doing so will help you decide where to cut back - skip a regular 20 ounce soda and save 250 calories, switch from whole milk to skim milk and save 50 calories a cup, go for regular coffee instead of a regular blended drink and save 300 calories. If you can't face cutting all of your favorites out of your diet, eating smaller portions is an acceptable compromise. The small steps are often the ones which have the biggest effect, since they're easier to stick with. Check your surroundings.

Source : ArticleDashBoard