Saturday, September 23, 2006

Diet Tip - At First Dieting is Easy

Starting a new diet is easy. We are full of enthusiasm and motivation to lose weight. But two weeks later it's often a different story. Our desire to reduce weight has diminished, our diet-plan has become boring and our weight loss goals seem as faraway as ever. Indeed, after 14 days of counting calories and eating only healthy foods, we often find ourselves yearning for a high-calorie pizza or carton of ice cream.
Courtesy : Diet I

Friday, September 22, 2006

Effects of Dehydration

If you're not properly hydrated, you're apt to suffer from dehydration, which can cause symptoms such as headache and fatigue. Drinking enough water — six 8-ounce glasses each day at a minimum — may also help you avoid overeating. If you're hit by a craving, try drinking some water, seltzer, or juice and seltzer mixed. This will hydrate you and help fill you up.
Being even slightly dehydrated can also make you feel irritable and cranky — a mood that leads many of us to eat unwisely.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why Men Gain Weight ?

Be moderate about alcohol.
You don't have to give up.

Take some regular exercise.
You don't have to jog your butt off.

Eat less red meat.
You don't have to eat lentils.
Courtesy : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wegith Control Tips - Why Drink Water ?

Water doesn't seem to contribute much to your health. After all, it has no vitamins. No fiber. No protein. No carbohydrates. So why bother drinking it? The truth is, water is vital to your well-being — and staying adequately hydrated can even help you control your weight.

Water is needed for every cell in your body, Water helps your body maintain its optimal temperature. It also helps your body digest food, convert it to energy, get rid of waste and avoid constipation.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Limit & Measure Your Food

Try to limit your serving size and actually measure out the portions of food you are going to eat. It is very easy to overestimate how much you are eating. Keep measuring cups and spoons at the ready
Courtesy : Health Authority

Monday, September 18, 2006

Diet Tip - Choose Low Calorie Foods

Choose low fat, and  low calorie foods.  Eat grilled fish instead of fried fish;  instead of  french fries, have a baked potato (without all of the butter and sour cream).
~ Health Authority