Friday, July 03, 2009

Indoor Exercises ... Part II

When you´ve finished the cardio portion of your workout, add some target exercises to help tone things up. You can do floor exercises or use a balance ball, which can be inexpensively purchased. In addition to the obvious crunches and push ups, add toning exercises for your arms, back, waist, hips, and legs. A simple search online can provide you with a plethora of choices along with instructions for proper form.

Don´t forget flexibility and strength training, two vital categories in an effective workout. Your overall flexibility can be improved through stretching and activities involved in yoga or Pilates. Strength training can be easily completed at home using inexpensive light hand weights or common household items. Canned goods, laundry detergent bottles, and sacks of
sugar and flour can all be used as hand weights. Gallon-sized jugs of water are ideal when heavier weights are needed.

So, the point is that when there´s a will, there´s a way! As Nike says, "Just do it!" Don´t make excuses; just find inventive ways to accomplish your goals! You certainly won´t be sorry

Source : American Nutrition

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Super Easy Ways to Exercise Indoors Without Special Equipment !

There are all those people whose schedules don´t provide them with daylight hours in which to exercise. If you fall into one of these categories, don´t give up your workout. Just look for ways to workout inside. You might have to be a little creative, but you can definitely boost your heart rate and burn impressive calories!

You can enjoy everything from beginning yoga to rigorous boot camp options following books, videos or cable. A good cardio workout is one that leaves you sweating and huffing and puffing. You can achieve these results by jumping rope, running stairs, or doing jumping jacks! Put on your favorite tunes and walk or jog in place, or dance the night away!

Source : American Chronicle

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages

Before you tear into that bag of potato chips, drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really all you needed. If plain water doesn't cut it, try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Source : MedicineNet

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Don't lose weight quickly post pregnancy

But according to a new study women should not put themselves under too much pressure straight away. Experts have revealed that overdoing early weight lossattempts could have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Celebrities have started a new craze among new mums - shedding baby weight immediately after giving birth.

They said that weight gain during pregnancy is not only normal, it is necessary. The mother's body has to nourish the growing baby. Her body needs to take on more fluid to support the extra circulation the placenta and baby need. Some of this added weight will usually be lost as soon as the baby is born.

Recent studies have revealed that women who have become overweight or more overweight during pregnancy have a higher chance of ongoing weight problems if they are not back to a normal weight within six months or a year after having a baby.

Exercise is important when people are overweight, but after pregnancy, a lot of exercise does not necessarily help a great deal. The evidence shows that a balanced diet helps "with or without extra exercise".

Source: ANI