Tuesday, August 04, 2009

How do I increase my daily steps on Pedometer?

Looking for ideas to increase your steps? A researcher asked 34 employees of a small northeastern college what strategies they used to increase their steps. Below are the results (numbers in parentheses are the percentage of participants who used the strategies). The employees said:

To a meeting or work-related errand (65%)
After work (50%)
Before work (35%)
At lunch (47%)
On the weekend (32%)
While traveling (32%)
With the dog (32%)
To a destination (work/store) (29%)
Parked farther away (50%)
Used the stairs rather than an elevator (24%)
Performed other cardiovascular activity (539%)

If you scanned your week, you would find times and opportunities when you could walk a little more. Pedometer contests at your office or even at home. Divide your office colleagues into teams and post a big chart in a conspicuous place with the cumulative number of steps that all of you take each week, and then at the end of the month, give awards to the members of the team with the highest step count and give a special award to the individual who takes the most steps. At home, post a chart on the fridge and see who takes the most steps. The winner doesn't have to do dishes for a week! Make the contests fun. The good news is that anyone with a pedometer can participate.

Source : Medicinenet.com

Dear Friends,

We see a lot of information, help, mantra moving around us in the form of emails, pictures, media, etc. This is just a small step ahead to bring this information together and place in front of you in form of this blog. Hope you like this blog and give your support as always.

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~ Webvision Global Team

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