Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Achieving Dietary Balance - Part 1

According to doctors, the most dangerous trens is of making dietary changes based on an understanding of what is nutritious, culled mostly from research off the net and the media. People blindly follow what dieticians say without questioning the logic behind it. Says nutritionist Honey Shah, "People totally forget about dietary balance. They read somewhere that olive oil is the best oil and so they totally dump other oils. Through some other source they find out that sugar / diary products are bad for a fit body and so shun every sugar or diary product source, without realising that they are prohibiting their body of essential nutrients. Variety is very important otherwise body gradually loses immunity.

Food thought to contain pesticides, additives or preservatives is also ditched. Some complement lost minerals with vitamin pills. Warns dietician natasha Kiplan, "There is no substitute to a natural diet. Don't stuff yourself with vitamin tablets as it leads to an excess of one vitamin and created imbalance. The body stops producing enzymes that are required to absorb other vitamins."

Agrees fitness instructor Shankar, "I used to work out a lot and took protein and carb supplements. I was advised to consume a lot of water along with, but i didn't, and now suffer from a severe kidney disorder.

Source : Times Network

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