Thursday, September 17, 2009

Walk 10000 Steps A Day !!

Looking for a way to get healthy, lose weight and have more energy ? Why not start walking! It's easy, you need no special equipment and just thirty minutes a day can improve and extend your life. Plus, walking is often the gateway to a more active lifestyle. According to British Heart Foundation "Moderate rhythmic (aerobic) exercise such brisk walking makes the heart and blood circulation mmore efficient, improves the 'protective' blood cholesterol level, prevents high blood pressure and helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes".

Why walk 10,000 steps a day ?

Health experts believe that the US Surgeon General's endoresement of 30 minutes of physical activity daily is the equivalent of walking 10,000 steps - which is about 5 miles and burns close to 400 calories. Studies have found that 10,000 steps is also the amount of exertion your body requires to burn enough calories to reduce the risk of chronic disease.
Most people walk 2,000 to 5,000 steps daily by performing everyday activities such as moving about the house or doing errands. According to a new set of physical activity guidelines from US health studies, this level of activity is considered to be sedentary. To keep fit for life, you should aim for atleast 10,000 steps a day in your walking.

The P's for a good walk :

Posture : Its not just a walk that is important but you need to mind your posture.

Persistence : The toughest thing about walking is to develop a habit of walking 10,000 steps a day to gain general health benefits.

Pace : Start your walk at a slow warm up pace, stop and do a few warm up / flexibility drills. Then walk fast for the desired length of time. End your walk with the slower cool-down pace and stretch well after your walk.

Source : Body Basics, TOI

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