Friday, November 03, 2006

Weight Loss Diet with Fruits and Vegetables.

Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your shopping list. Buy produce that is the in-store special of the week. Adding fruits and vegetables to your shopping list will maintain your weight loss diet.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Diet Tip - Control Intake of High Calories Food.

Avoid or Control Buying Foods High In Calories. Potato chips, cookies, cake, and other snacks should not be a part of your shopping list. Always check the fat grams posted on food labels. Curtailing your fat intake doesn’t mean breaking your household budget.

Courtesy -

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Weight Control Tip - Limit Bulk Buying and Stop Cook in Bulk.

Limit Bulk Buying When you buy in bulk, the tendency is to cook in bulk. Cooking too much can lead to overeating. If you must buy in bulk to save, avoid food overload by cooking smaller portions.

Courtesy -

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Excessive Alcohol is Bad For General Health

Although both beneficial and adverse health effects of alcohol consumption vary according to the amount consumed and the individual characteristics and circumstances of the drinker, the health consequences of heavy alcohol consumption are well documented. They include: increased risk of liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, as well as cancers of the throat, stomach and rectum.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Friday, October 27, 2006

Overweight - Develop Health Problems

Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity can develop into a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it is now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.
Courtesy : Free Weight Loss

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Never Shop on Empty Stomach

Never go shopping on an empty stomach! Shopping with a growling tummy will not only blow your diet but bust your budget. You will buy items that are not included on your household shopping list. So eat before you go to the grocery store.
Courtesy : Aislebyaisle

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Liquid/Meal Replacement Diet Plan

Meal replacement or liquid supplement diets are designed to provide users with a fixed number of calories as well as all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for good dietary health. Eaten as an alternative to regular foods, liquid diet meals usually take the form of shakes or soups, or differing types of bars. Although taste can vary between brands, a liquid meal replacement plan (eg. SlimFast, Scan Diet) typically offers a convenient method of healthy weight reduction.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Monday, October 23, 2006

Weight Loss Tips - High Calorie Eating

High Calorie Daily Eating Habits

It's easy to fall into bad (high-calorie) eating habits. For example, a daily diet which includes: regular butter (35 calories/tsp) and mayonnaise (100/tbsp), too much cooking oil (120 calories/tbsp), snacks of tortilla chips (150 calories/11 chips), a soda (100 calories/cup) or a donut (350 calories/3oz) and before long you've added 700-800 calories without even realising it. This explains why we gain weight even though we may not "overeat."
Courtesy : Diet-I

Friday, October 20, 2006

Keep Alcohol in Control

Excessive Alcohol is Bad For Weight Control and Nutrition

When trying to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight, an excessive alcohol intake makes it harder to ingest adequate nutrition while remaining within your calorie allowance. Meaning: drinking alcohol when following a weight loss diet is bad, either because you eat too many calories and gain weight, or because the non-nutritional calories in alcohol are likely to cause you to go without essential minerals and vitamins.
Courtesy - Diet-I

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Weght Loss Tips - Never Skip a Meal

To lose weight quickly, never skip a meal. Your first meal after waking starts your metabolism. Your metabolism then speeds up for about eight hours and then starts slowing down until you go to sleep when it goes to low until you wake and eat and start the cycle again. Skip breakfast and your metabolism doesn't get started until lunch time. You've just missed three or four hours of fat burning time. When you skip meals during the day, your metabolism also slows down. Weight loss through the burning of stored fat is all about eating enough of the right kinds of foods so you stay full and your metabolism stays as high as possible. Remember, if you feel hungry, your metabolism slows down. Stay full with healthy, nonfattening foods and your metabolism will continue to burn your stored fat as fast as your body will allow.
Courtesy : Whole Fitness

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 7

Work out with friends.
Get your co-workers in on the weight-loss game. That way, you can encourage each other throughout the day, have healthy lunches together and exercise together on breaks. Try organizing an at-work exercise or diet group. See if your company is willing to give you space and even funds for equipment (mats, weights, etc.).
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 6

Exercise during off hours.
Get in exercise before and after work to offset all that sedentary time at your computer. If you don't live too far, think about walking to work. If that's not possible, instead of spending an extra hour sitting in traffic, find a gym near your office and go there instead. Once you're done exercising, rush hour will be over and you'll still be home at the same time.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Monday, October 16, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 5

Even if it's just 10 minutes of exercise at a time,get up and move whenever possible.
Eat your lunch at a park a few blocks away, and walk there instead of driving.
Walk to a colleague's desk rather than e-mailing or calling.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Park as far away from the front door as possible.
Include exercise breaks in your calendar. Treat them just as you would any other appointment — you have to be there!
Place your wastepaper basket far away from your desk so you'll have to move to throw away garbage.
Place your phone out of reach so you'll have to stretch or even get up to answer it.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Thursday, October 12, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 4

Portion Patrol. In this age of "supersizing," prepacking your meals in containers will help you eat reasonable servings. Get to know true serving sizes, and plan meals with that in mind. A good guide to follow: One ounce of meat is about the size of the average thumb, 2-3 ounces is about the size of a palm, and a cup of cereal or rice is about the size of a fist.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 3

3. Plan lunch. "I eat half of my lunch at 11:30; then, when the mid-afternoon munchies hit, I eat the other half," suggests one dieter. Schedule your lunch to protect against cravings. It's best to bring your lunch from home — that way, you can control your portions and keep track of exactly how many calories you consume.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 2

2. Drink up. As with healthy foods, keep enough water at your desk and you'll easily drink your six 8-ounces glasses by the end of the day. Keep a bottle or glass full of fresh water next to your computer at all times.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Monday, October 09, 2006

9-to-5 Diet Strategies - 1

The solution is to make the most of your desk's diet potential. Here are the tricks they believe work best.
1. Snack wisely. "A lot of people snack while they sit at the computer". If you're one of them, be prepared. Keep healthy options handy so you don't rush off for an emergency visit to the vending machine. Bring fresh fruit, veggies and salsa to work. One dieter's smart suggestion : Keep snacks not at your desk, but stowed away in a file cabinet. Out of sight, out of mind. If that strategy doesn't work for you, only bring the amount you want to eat each day.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Selfish Reasons For Losing Weight Are Essential

And it's no good trying to reduce weight or develop a flat stomach to please someone else. Reasons like: "My doctor wants me to lose weight" or "I'm dieting to please my partner" are no good. You must only lose weight to please yourself. Because when you want that high calorie creamy dessert, or that extra slice of pizza, other people suddenly stop being relevant. To motivate yourself to restrict your calories, you need to do it for yourself !
Courtesy : Diet-I

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Eat Only when Required

Try to focus on your internal hunger signals instead of external stimuli telling you to eat. Don't eat if you are not hungry, even if that is the time you normally would eat. You can resist cravings for foods in between meals by doing something to take your mind of eating. Try taking a walk or doing something active to distract yourself until the craving passes.
Courtesy : Health Authority

Monday, October 02, 2006

Some Dieting Methods Lead to Extra Muscle Loss

Some types of diets can increase loss of muscle, as opposed to fat. For example, if we try to reduce weight too fast (by following a very-low-energy diet), our brain may think that there is a food shortage, and try to conserve calories. One method it uses to achieve this calorie-conservation, is to burn muscle instead of fat. Why? Because, compared to fat, muscle requires fewer calories to maintain.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Stop Worrying!

Stop worrying about shape, looks, status and a thousand other things.
Whisper to yourself these 3 magic words : NO - MORE - WORRIES

I've helped loads of teenagers to lose weight so I know what I'm talking about.

Worry is a complete waste of your precious time.
Courtesy : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Getting Enough Water Daily

To make sure you're getting enough water:
  • Track your water intake. Try recording every glass of water or other beverage you drink.
  • Drink more water and fewer caffeinated beverages and alcohol. Both substances are diuretics that are less hydrating than water. After your morning cup, stick to decaffeinated beverages for the rest of the day. Drinking water or seltzer between alcoholic beverages can help you stay hydrated — and save calories, too, by filling you up.

Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Benefits of consuming Fenugreek

The chemical compunds found in fenugreek (methi) have the ability to aid the digestive process. Consequently, when taken with meals it is believed that fenugreek is able to slow down the rate at which sugars are absorbed into the body, whereby regulating blood sugar levels. Additionally, studies indicate that fenugreek may induce or promote the production of insulin when blood sugar levels are elevated.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Exercise Cuts DIABETES Risk in people with BIG WAISTS

Exercise can help people with large waistlines reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Scientists found that people with large waistlines who exercise were less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than their less active counterparts. They found that physically inactive people with large waistlines had a 5.5 times greater risk of suffering from diabetes than active people with small waists. They added that 30 minutes of exercise five times a week could help people with large waists lower their odds of suffering the illness by 4.2 times. This can be achieved through a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Diet Tip - At First Dieting is Easy

Starting a new diet is easy. We are full of enthusiasm and motivation to lose weight. But two weeks later it's often a different story. Our desire to reduce weight has diminished, our diet-plan has become boring and our weight loss goals seem as faraway as ever. Indeed, after 14 days of counting calories and eating only healthy foods, we often find ourselves yearning for a high-calorie pizza or carton of ice cream.
Courtesy : Diet I

Friday, September 22, 2006

Effects of Dehydration

If you're not properly hydrated, you're apt to suffer from dehydration, which can cause symptoms such as headache and fatigue. Drinking enough water — six 8-ounce glasses each day at a minimum — may also help you avoid overeating. If you're hit by a craving, try drinking some water, seltzer, or juice and seltzer mixed. This will hydrate you and help fill you up.
Being even slightly dehydrated can also make you feel irritable and cranky — a mood that leads many of us to eat unwisely.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why Men Gain Weight ?

Be moderate about alcohol.
You don't have to give up.

Take some regular exercise.
You don't have to jog your butt off.

Eat less red meat.
You don't have to eat lentils.
Courtesy : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wegith Control Tips - Why Drink Water ?

Water doesn't seem to contribute much to your health. After all, it has no vitamins. No fiber. No protein. No carbohydrates. So why bother drinking it? The truth is, water is vital to your well-being — and staying adequately hydrated can even help you control your weight.

Water is needed for every cell in your body, Water helps your body maintain its optimal temperature. It also helps your body digest food, convert it to energy, get rid of waste and avoid constipation.
Courtesy : Weight Watchers


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Limit & Measure Your Food

Try to limit your serving size and actually measure out the portions of food you are going to eat. It is very easy to overestimate how much you are eating. Keep measuring cups and spoons at the ready
Courtesy : Health Authority

Monday, September 18, 2006

Diet Tip - Choose Low Calorie Foods

Choose low fat, and  low calorie foods.  Eat grilled fish instead of fried fish;  instead of  french fries, have a baked potato (without all of the butter and sour cream).
~ Health Authority

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Managing Food Binge

An occasional food binge does not usually lead to significant weight gain and therefore won't destroy your diet.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Friday, September 15, 2006

Weight Loss Tip for Women

Throw Away Your Weighing Scales!!

Forget about what you weigh and instead, concentrate on improving your eating habits
You see a scales makes you think SHORT-TERM THOUGHTS
Like - 'how much do I weigh THIS week?'
Whereas, you should be thinking LONG-TERM THOUGHTS
'How much am I going to weigh in three months.'
'I'm going to slowly change my figure and my life. Even though this may take a while.'
Courtesy : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Diet Tip - Low Fat Diets

Low fat diets reduce the bad, LDL, cholesterol while low cabohydrate diets have no effect on the LDL levels. However, low carbohydrate diets raise the good HDL cholesteol and lower triglycerides and improve control of the blood glucose (sugar) level whereas as low fat diets actually lower the HDL level and raise the triglyceride level.
Courtesy : Healthy Hearts

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Health Tip : Humor to deal with Stress

Humor is a good way of dealing with stress. Having the ability to find humor in a stressful situation and being able to laugh about it, releases all the tension that is building inside. Even if the situation cannot be made light of, think of something else that will make you laugh.
Courtesy : Health Authority

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Weight Loss Myth - Late Night Eating Leads to Weight Gain


Our body metabolises food in the same way, whether it's midday or midnight. So late-night eating is no more likely to damage your weight loss or lead to weight gain, than mid-morning eating.

The truth: It's not WHEN you eat that counts - it's WHAT you eat. So although eating high-calorie foods like cookies, ice cream and cakes in front of the TV can lead to weight gain, this is because of the high-calorie nature of the foods, not because it's late in the evening.
Courtesy - Diet-I

Monday, September 11, 2006

Adopt Sensible Eating Habits

Weight regain typically occurs when we quit a fad diet, a very-low-calorie plan, or any very short term diet that causes us to adopt unrealistic eating habits. So when choosing a weight loss diet, choose one that encourages the adoption of sensible eating habits which are easier to maintain after the "diet" ends.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Benefits from drinking Coconut Water !

The highly mineral-charged coconut water acts to detoxify the kidneys, which indirectly affects its neighbours, the reproductive organs. Healthy kidneys are believed to promote a vibrant, healthy attitude. Coconut's amazing healing properties are also attributed to reducing the risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
Courtesy : TOI

Friday, September 08, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Portion Sized Matters

Almost nobody can stop eating at just one normal serving if there's extra food on their plate.  True to this, researchers found that the bigger the portion, the more the people eat. However, it's not increased portion size alone that contributes to excess weight, but also eating large portions of high-calorie, high-fat foods that may lead to obesity.  Eat large portions of foods low in calories and fat such as vegetables, fruits and clear soups as they provide satisfying portions with few calories. Hence watch the amount and the type of food that goes into your plate for maintaining a healthy weight.  Your weight is in your hands!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Eat Small Meals/Snacks 5/6 Times A Day !

Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (5 or 6 a day). This pattern of eating has been shown to raise metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps to prevent binging because you never feel famished.
Courtesy : Yoga Staff

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Eat throughout the day

Eat regularly throughout the day, starting with breakfast. Do not allow yourself to go longer than 3 hours without eating something, even if it's just a small snack.
Courtesy : Diet-I

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Never Eat Less.

Never under eat (less than 1200 calories per day). Eating less than is required to support your basal metabolism will slow your metabolism down!
Courtesy : Yoga Staff

Monday, September 04, 2006

Practical Weight Loss Tips

Do not eat late at night. Dinner should be light and eaten as early as possible, preferably at least 3 hours before bedtime. You will sleep easier and your body will be re-energising itself rather than digesting a meal.
~ Yoga Staff

Friday, September 01, 2006

Eat Often Burn More Calories (and Fat!)

The calories in the food we eat provide vital fuel energy to maintain our basic metabolic needs, and to power muscles.

To ensure our metabolism has all the fuel it needs, our brain constantly monitors our calorie intake and expenditure, and will - if it thinks there is a shortage of food energy - intervene to conserve energy for survival purposes. So long as we continue eating regularly, there's no problem: we burn calories at our normal speed, and if we create a calorie deficit we will burn stored body fat and thus lose weight. However, if we go too long without eating something, our brain intervenes to reduce our rate of calorie-burning (our metabolic rate). Result? Fat burning slows down or stops.

More calories are needed to maintain muscle tissue than fat tissue. So if our calorie deficit persists and we require more energy, we stop burning fat and start burning muscle tissue instead.
Courtesy : Diet I

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Antidote to Fix Bad Habits

Antidote :
1)  Put your fork down between bites of food so that you eat more slowly – your body needs at least 20 minutes before your brain registers that you are full.
2) If you start to feel uncomfortable or full halfway through a meal, stop eating, no matter how much food is left – you've had enough
3) Remember that you don't have to waste leftovers. They can always be frozen or reheated the next day.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fix Bad Food Habits

" Clean your plate" and "Waste not, want not."

"Although applied to children with the best intentions, this food lesson teaches us to ignore our body's signals about feeling full, which can cause overeating,"

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Stretch Your Meals !

Stretch your meals to, at least, 20 minutes or longer. Your stomach, mouth and brain are all connected and it takes 20 minutes of chewing before your stomach signals your brain that you are full. To feel full and successfully lose weight on any weight loss program, you need to eat slowly for 20 minutes or longer.
Source  : Wholefitness

Monday, August 28, 2006

Diet Tip - Weigh Yourself

An important first step, when starting a diet, is to get on the scale, see what you weigh now, and then define your goal weight. You will know where you are now and where you want to be. Then, the only challenge is filling in the middle, but it's important to define the journey before you take on the challenge. 
Source : Start Your Diet

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Stay Fuller with Fiber !

Eating more fiber is a great way to feel fuller throughout the day. Your breakfast can pack a fiber punch. Make sure you use whole wheat bread for toast. Choose a high-fiber cereal like raisin bran. Enjoy some fruit with its skin such as an apple.
Not only will the carbs give your energy level a boost, the fiber will give your meal extra staying-power and get you closer to the 25 grams of fiber we're all supposed to get each day.
Source : WeightLoss About

Friday, August 25, 2006

Weight Loss - Why Men Gain Weight

Why Men Gain Weight

1. Drink. 2. Less Exercise 3. Eating Red Meat
Problems :
Alcohol enhances impotence,
Lack of exercise enhances heart disease &
Too much red meat does both.
Better approach :
1.   Be moderate about alcohol. You don't have to give up.
2.   Take some regular exercise. No need to get tired jogging & exercising.
3.   Eat less red meat.
Source : Hundred WeightLoss Tips

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Diet Tip - Switch to Diet Soft Drinks

If you haven't done so already, switch to diet soft drinks. An average 12 Oz can of regular soda contains around 120 calories, while the diet version usually has one or zero. If you drink 3 cans a day, you'll be saving 360 calories right there. Now multiply that by 7 days a week, 30 days a month and 365 days a year... You'll be saving a lot of calories!
Source : Start Your Diet

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Diet Tip - Try Mustard !!

Use mustard on all your sandwiches instead of mayonnaise. Mustard has no fat and very little calories while Mayo, on the other hand, is loaded with fat.
Start Your Diet

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Diet Tip - Stay in Motion !

Remember that starting your diet is the hardest part and it does get easier after that. You know the saying: "Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to stay at rest." This applies to dieting as well. Once you build up a little momentum and start living healthier, you'll automatically start making healthier decisions.
Source : Start Your Diet

Monday, August 21, 2006

Types of Diets - I

Weight-loss diets restrict the intake of specific foods, or food in general, to reduce body weight. What works to reduce body weight for one person will not necessarily work for another, due to metabolic differences and lifestyle factors. Also, it's important to note that short-term dieting does not necessarily lead to weight loss in the long term. Reducing the body's food supply causes it to stockpile excess fat as a starvation response once normal eating is resumed - meaning crash dieting leads to small short-term weight loss, then an increase in weight shortly afterwards.
Source : Wikipedia

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Does Dieting Lead To Weight Gain? - IV

Effects of Repetitive Low Calorie Dieting on Metabolic Rate

If we lose weight, we always lose a little muscle tissue. And if we follow very-low-calorie diets, this loss of muscle increases. In either case, our metabolic rate tends to fall, making it easier to gain weight in future because we now need fewer calories.
Now when we stop dieting and revert to a higher calorie-intake, it's common to regain weight. This weight gain is exclusively fat.
Thus as you can see, while dieting typically leads to a loss of fat AND muscle, weight regain is
just fat. Therefore, if we engage in yo-yo dieting (weight cycling), gradually our body fat percentage gets bigger, our muscle percentage gets smaller, and our metabolic rate gets lower and lower. This means our calorie-needs get smaller and smaller. So each time we quit dieting and return to eating, we are likely to gain weight.
Source : Diet-I

Friday, August 18, 2006

Does Dieting Lead To Weight Gain? - III

Losing Muscle Tissue Lowers Metabolic Rate
Metabolic rate is the speed at which we use calories to fuel resting body functions, such as temperature maintenance, heart-beat, circulation, breathing and the millions of other biochemical functions which occur around the clock. Now, as stated above, our body needs more calories to maintain muscle tissue than fat tissue, so the more muscule we have, the more calories we burn, and therefore the higher our metabolic rate.
Source : Diet-I

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Does Dieting Lead To Weight Gain? - II

Some Dieting Methods Lead to Extra Muscle Loss
Some types of diets can increase loss of muscle, as opposed to fat. For example, if we try to reduce weight too fast (by following a very-low-energy diet), our brain may think that there is a food shortage, and try to conserve calories. One method it uses to achieve this calorie-conservation, is to burn muscle instead of fat. Why? Because, compared to fat, muscle requires fewer calories to maintain.
Source : Diet-I

Monday, August 14, 2006

Does Dieting Lead To Weight Gain?

Yes. Under certain circumstances, repetitive dieting may lead to weight gain.
We Don't Just Lose Fat
Typically, when we reduce energy-intake (by following a calorie-controlled diet) and increase energy expenditure (by taking extra exercise), we create a calorie-deficit and thus lose weight. This weight loss typically comprises fat, but includes a small proportion of muscle tissue as well.
Source : Diet-I

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Food is Good for Weight Loss - II

What Foods to Avoid

For optimum weight control, the foods you should avoid, or eat sparingly, are the "melt-in-the-mouth" type foods, that are easily eatable even when you are full! Foods such as: creamy desserts, regular soft drinks, ice cream, cakes, fatty take-outs, fried food, fatty breads (muffins, donuts) - you know the sort of foods we mean! Many foods which are super-tasty are likely to be high in fat or sugar, or both. That's what makes them so yummy. Of course, you can safely eat any food occasionally, but if you have difficulty saying No to these foods, avoid them until you have lost weight.
Source : Diet-I

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Food is Good for Weight Loss

The greatest danger is hunger. Go hungry, and you need superhuman willpower to avoid temptation. But if your stomach is full of healthy food, you won't be tempted by high calorie junk food and the like. Even if you need to eat a few extra calories, it's worth it to stay in control of your appetite.

What Foods To Eat

If you want to lose or maintain weight, the best foods to fill up on, are fruits, vegetables, beans, chewy carbs like whole wheat bread, brown rice - or anything that takes time to eat. No one is overweight because they overeat on these foods. They are rich in dietary fiber, low-GI and will keep you full for longer.
Source : Diet-I

Monday, August 07, 2006

Weigth Loss Tip - Starvation Causes Muscle Loss

Starvation Causes Muscle Loss Not Fat Loss

When food is scarce, our body conserves energy and goes into "starvation mode" which slows down weight reduction. If we continue to eat too little food, our body typically conserves fat and burns muscle instead. This is because less energy is needed to maintain fat stores. In other words, if our diet contains insufficient calories, either we stop losing weight, or (if this calorie-deficit continues) we lose muscle tissue instead of fat. This is bad news for weight loss, as the higher our body fat percentage, the fewer calories we can eat before we gain weight.
Source : Diet-I

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Weigth Loss Tip - Too Few Calories Causes Slow Weight Loss

Too Few Calories Causes Slow Weight Loss

Many dieters see food and calories as the enemy of weight loss. So they think the fewer calories they eat, the more weight they will lose. One reason why fad diets like the Cabbage Soup diet and Grapefruit diet are so popular. Unfortunately, although we do need to restrict calories if we want our body to burn its stored fat, we can't afford to eat too little. Why not? Because this sends a signal to our brain that food is scarce and convinces it to conserve calories. As a result, we stop burning calories as fast as normal, which leads to slower weight loss.
Source : Diet-I

Friday, August 04, 2006

Health Tip - Causes of Liver Damage - II

Remaining causes for Liver Damage ( Part II )
5.    Consuming too much medication.                              
6.    Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.                                            
7.    Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best
       cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very 
8.    Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. 
9.    Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.          

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Health Tip : Benefits From Eating CELERY

Benefits From Eating Celery
Celery contains Vitamin C and several other active compounds that promote health and which can help lower cholesterol. It is also packed with coumarins, that may be useful in cancer prevention. Vitamin C also helps to support the immune system. Vitamin C-rich foods like celery may help reduce cold sysmptoms or severity of cold sysmptoms; over 20 scientific studies have concluded that Vitamin C is a cold-fighter. Vitamin C also prevents the free radical damage that triggers the inflammatory cascade, and is therefore also associated with reduced severity of inflammatory conditions, such as asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Enjoy your Celery in the form of a salad, or just munch on a stick whenever you feel like it.
Source : TOI

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Tip # 7

Drinking Alcohol aggravates stomach problems, increases weight, and causes fluid retention in body tissues.
Source : TOI

Causes of Liver Damage - I

These are the main causes of Liver Damage - Part I
1.         Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.                                                
2.         Not urinating in the morning.                              
3.        Too much eating.                                            
4.        Skipping breakfast.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Health Tip - Benefits from Consuming Ginseng

In terms of modern scientific research, ginseng is known as an adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that assist the body to restore itself to health and work without side effects even if the recommended dose is widely exceeded. Ginseng due to its adaptogens effects is widely used to lower cholesterol, increase energry and endurance, reduce fatique and effects of stress and prevent infections.
Ginseng appears to help people with diabetes. A study showed that ginseng could lower blood sugar 20 percent more than placebo.
Other important benefits of ginseng is its support in cancer treatment and its effects on sprts performance.
Source : TOI

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Health Tip - Benfits from Eating Tomatoes

The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene. This compund appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralising free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Only recently, studies have revealed that lycopene may have twice the punch of another well known antioxidant betacarotene. Israeli researchers have found that lycopene is a powerful inhibitor of lung, breast and endometrial cancer cells.

Source : TOI

Friday, July 28, 2006

Health Tip : Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Health Tip : Head Covered while Sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Tip # 9

Cancerians need to watch their diets very carefully in order to keep their digestive systems healthy and their weight under control.

Source : TOI

July - Month of Cancerians - Tip # 8

Food means security to Cancerians, and they turn to pies, cakes, ice creams, and candy to make themselves feel better.

Source : TOI

July - Month of Cancerians - Tip # 7

Drinking alcohol aggravates stomach problems, increases weight, and causes fluid retention in body tissues.

Source : TOI

Monday, July 17, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 6

Born under a water sign, cancerians tend to overindulge in wine and alcohol, which you do not tolerate well.
Source : TOI

Friday, July 14, 2006

Health Tips : Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation                                                  
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
Source : TOI

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 5

Tension, anxiety, and emotional stress are the leading causes of illnes among Cancerians.
Source : TOI

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Health Tips : Air Pollution

Air Pollution : The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

Monday, July 10, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 4

Cancerians should stay away from spicy and highly seasoned food.
Source : TOI

Friday, July 07, 2006

July - Month of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 3

Starches, sugar and salt should be avoided by Cancerians.
Source : TOI

Thursday, July 06, 2006

July - Month Of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 2

Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and lean protein are a daily must for Cancerians.
Source : TOI

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July - Month Of Cancerians - Diet Tip # 1

Cancerians should consume milk, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, which are high in calcium.
Source : TOI

Monday, July 03, 2006

Health Tips : High Sugar Consumption

High Sugar Consumption : Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Health Tips : Disadvantages by Smoking !

Smoking : It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Diet Tips - Over Eating !

Over Eating : It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.  

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Diet Tips - Disadvantages of No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.  This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

If you've just had a baby, here's how to regain your figure.
  • Wait at least 4 weeks until your body has fully recovered. Eat as healthily as you can.

  • Meantime, learn about nutrition and devise a gradual exercise plan.

  • Then follow a low-fat HEALTHY diet - about 1500 daily calories.

  • If you're breast-feeding don't eat less than 1800 daily calories.

  • Be patient, let nature take it's course and you'll regain your previous figure in no more than 5-6 months. A little longer if you're breast-feeding.

Source : Hundred Tips

Monday, June 26, 2006

No Willpower to Lose Weight !

If you think you don't have any willpower ? Well you're wrong. You have plenty of willpower.

Willpower is spelt: I-N-C-E-N-T-I-V-E.

So go find yourself an incentive to lose weight. Then you'll have all the willpower you need.
Source : Hundred Tips

Friday, June 23, 2006

Stop Worrying About Your Weight!

Worrying makes it worse.
The fastest way to lose weight is to STOP WORRYING.
Because worry makes us miserable. Result : We reach for the cookies and we put on weight.
So instead of worrying, RELAX !
Then take action.

Source : Hundred Tips

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Weight Loss - Don't Try to be Perfect!

Most dieters try to be perfect. FACT, When it comes to dieting, trying to be perfect is one of the quickest ways to fail. Dieters try to lose weight too fast or Quitting the diet if you have a bad week.

A better approach
Aim to improve your eating habits gradually .
Be prepared to make mistakes.
See an occasional binge as quite natural.

This removes a lot of the stress and failure we feel. And makes it MUCH easier to lose weight.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Health Tips - Thumb Rules for Heart

Five thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart

1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control blood pressure and sugar
Source : Dr Devi Shetty

Monday, June 19, 2006

Weight Loss Tips - Lot ot Learn !

There's so much to learn !

There are hundreds of diet books and weight loss programs out there. Many of them have terrific claims, but remember:
  • There is no one-size-fits-all weight loss program.
  • There are no magic bullets or miracle instant cures.
  • There is absolutely EVERY chance that you can transform yourself.
  • It is completely possible for you to lose the fat and get healthier.
  • Believe in yourself.

Source : Free Dieting

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Losing Fat in Wrong Places ?

Targeting Certain Areas

There are variations between men and women, and with the use of exercise.

  • Obese men tend to lose more visceral (internal) fat while obese women lose more subcutaneous fat ( reference).
  • Exercise seems to result in more subcutaneous fat loss. Diet alone results in more visceral fat loss (and less surface fat loss) ( reference). This explains how you can lose weight - but not necessarily have any radical change in appearance.

Source : Free Dieting

Thursday, June 15, 2006

June - Month Of Geminis - Diet Tip # 5

Many Geminis cannot tolerate large amounts of food at one time; eating four mini-meals a day can be beneficial to your health.
Source : TOI

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June - Month of Geminis - Diet Tip # 4

Gemini people are inclined to eat on the run and are notorious junk food addicts. They should avoid foods like burgers, pizzas and aerated drinks.
Source : TOI

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June - Month Of Geminis - Diet Tip - 3

Coffee and stimulants make matter worse and should be avoided.
Source : TOI

Monday, June 12, 2006

June - Month of Geminis - Diet Tip 2

Geminis need calcium to keep their bones healthy; milk buttermilk, and cottage cheese are excellant sources.
Source : TOI

Saturday, June 10, 2006

June - Month of Geminis - Diet Tips - 1

June is a month of Geminis. Tips on diet pattern to follow a healthy life :
Eat foods rich in potassium chloride like asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, oranges and peaches.
Source : TOI

Friday, June 09, 2006

Weight Loss - Prepare to Change !

In order to lose weight you must swap
your bad eating habits for good ones.

This means changing your eating habits,
and maybe some of your general habits.

The key word is "change".
Source : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Diet Tips - Managing Hunger


Many of us have forgotten how to manage our hunger. We leave it until we are hungry before we chose our food. Inevitable we make poor choices, or can start binging. This can ve prevented by fueling our bodies every 3 hours with healthy food.
We also have to learn what it is to be full. If we can learn to listen to our bodies we can stop eating. It's okay to leave food on your plate!
Source : Free Dieting

Monday, June 05, 2006

Don;t Rush on Diet.....Take Your Time !!

There's No Rush

Most dieters are in too much of a hurry. They want to solve their entire weight problem in a couple of weeks. Preferably sooner!
So if they have a bad day, or a bad week they get hysterical. They think...'That's it! It's all over! I've failed!' and give up dieting in disgust. Result? They stay fat.
A better approach
Say to yourself - There's no rush - And take your time .
Source : Hundred Diet Tips

Friday, June 02, 2006

Don't Starve Yourself Before Dining Out !

If you're dining out in the evening, eat normally beforehand.
It shouldn't spoil your appetite but it will stop you bingeing in the restaurant.
Source : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Diet Tips for Just Married Women

On average, women put on more weight during their first year of marriage, than at any other time in their adult life.
Why? Because They dine out a lot. They entertain a lot. They receive lots of dinner invitations. And so on.
Don't let yourself go, too quickly. There's plenty of time for that. Instead:
1. Learn how to cook healthy food.
2. Train your partner to do the same.
3. Live shapely, ever after.
Source : Hundred Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Alternatives to Yoyo Dieting !

Alternatives to the Yoyo

It is a mental and emotional blow to go through all that dieting, just to be back where you started.

Rather than suddenly dieting - hoping for a quick weight loss, it is better to take a more long term sustainable approach.

  • Aim for modest weight loss (even small amounts of lost fat can improve your health)
  • If lowering calories do it slowly (i.e. don't suddenly drop 1000 calories per day).
  • Think of your diet as a healthy eating plan.
  • Look to change your lifestyle (activity levels and what and when and why you eat).
  • To break the weight loss plateau you need to give your metabolism a boost. Aim to increase your levels of physical activity. And if you are missing meals or eating too few calories you need to take a serious look at your diet and aim to eat more often (every 3 hours).
  • Don't skip breakfast.

Source : Free Dieting

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Low Fat Food Tip - Avoid Fried Snacks

Avoid fried snacks such as potato chips and tortilla chips.  Try the lowfat or baked versions, or pretzels and plain crackers.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Yo-yo Dieting !

How many times have you successfully lost weight -- only to gain it again further down the track? Some people struggle with this for most of their lives. This is "yo-yo" dieting - a continuing pattern of gaining and losing weight. Sometimes it is called "weight cycling".
What Causes Yo-yo Dieting ?

When your diet includes bouts of starvation, missing meals, or very low calories - you are setting yourself up for the yo-yo effect. While it seems that good results can be achieved quickly, sooner or later, the body gets the hint that less calories are coming in. The body adapts, and decides that energy must be conserved - and metabolism (the way the body burns food for energy) begins to slow down. Often this can be a 'plateau' - the weight loss that was initially achieved begins to slow down or stop.

Many people hit the wall at this point, and, struggling to maintain the diet, the weight begins to come back on. And what's even worse, is that for some people, the lowered metabolism means they end up with more weight than what they started at!

This is one of the problems with dieting (as a sudden fad) - the body's metabolism becomes less efficient with each dieting episode. The severe calorie restriction also causes loss of muscle tone. Less muscle once again means a slower metabolism. The commons signs of this are flabby upper arms (due to loss of tricep muscle tone and subsequent fat gain).
Source : Free Dieting

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Physical Activity - Diet and Exercise Tips

A more active lifestyle goes a long way. As little as 3 - 10 minute sessions every day is enough to decrease the risk factors for the top four diseases: heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Don't Skip Meals - Healthy Dieting.

To get all the fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread products, lean meats, poultry, fish and low fat dairy products your body needs to stay healthy and lean you will need to eat at least 3 meals every day. Regular meal times is the best way to prevent overeating at other times during the day.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Diet Control Tips - Drink 8 Cups of Water Every Day.

Water is the most important nutrient in the body to keep things running smoothly. It regulates the body temperature, waste disposal, joint lubrication; it feeds tiny nerve endings and helps reduce surface pain. Between the blood, brain, muscles, fat and even the bones the body composition is 50-70% water. Be aware that other zero-calorie beverages containing water do not have the purifying effectiveness of plain water.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reduce Sugar - Diet Control Tips

Reduce Sugar

By decreasing the intake of high sugar products such as regular sodas, full fat and fat free dessert / snacks, sweet tea and white flour products. Sugar and fructose have lots of calories but none of the vitamins, minerals or fiber the body needs to stay healthy and lean.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Beware Of Hydrogenated Fat Or Trans Fat

Beware of hydrogenated fat or trans fat: This type of fat is commonly found in margarine, salad dressing, mayonnaise, shortening, crackers and dessert products and has been modified to be more saturated. It has been linked to an increase of heart disease and possibly some cancers.

Source : Fit City Challenge

Friday, May 19, 2006

Diet Control Tips - Low Fat Diary Products

Low Fat Diary Products : An excellant source of proteins and calcium, which prevents bones from thinning as we age. Even as adults, we need atleast 2-3 servings per day.

Source : Fit City Challenge

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Diet Control Tips - Reduce Red Meat

Lean red meat, trimmed of fat: No more than 2 times per week for a heart healthy eating plan. Red meat is an excellent source of protein and iron but is also a prime source of saturated fat, which is known to increase the risk of heart disease.

Source : Fit City Challenge

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Diet Control Tips - Three Fish meals per week

Fish : 3 meals per week. Seafood contains an essential fat called Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These fatty acids help decrease cholesterol levels and make it less likely for a clot to form in the arteries. Albacore tuna, anchovies, bluefish, cod, halibut, trout, mackerel, pollack, salmon, fresh sardines and sea trout have the highest amounts of Omega 3's.
Source : Fit City Challenge

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Have Fruits & Vegetables Daily !

5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day :  Supplies not only fiber but the antioxidant vitamins, which protect against cancers and prevent the oxidation of the LDL (bad cholesterol) which causes plaque to develop on the arteries.
Source : Fit City Challenge

Monday, May 15, 2006

Diet Control Tips - Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber : 20-30 grams every day is recommended to help lower cholesterol, make you feel full longer, and help prevent certain cancers. Increase fiber by choosing, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans and peas), whole grain breads and cereals.

Source : Fit City Challenge

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Interval In Walking Routine

One of the best ways to take a walking routine up a notch is to add some interval training. This means you'll speed up your pace for a minute or two every several minutes. If you're walking more than one mile, you could also alternate a run-walk, adding arm movements, or ankle weights while leaving one mile to take a little more slowly.

Source : WeightLoss About

Friday, May 12, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Losing Weight Per Week

How much weight should one lose per week ?
It is recommended that people lose no more than one to two pounds per week or about one per cent  of their existing body weight. The longer it takes someone to lose weight, the more likely they are to keep it off. Quick weight loss slows down body metabolism so that calories are burned more slowly. This will eventully contribute to weight gain.
Source : TOI

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Benefits Of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon has always been a good source of Vitamins A and C, and provides potassium and fibre. But now consumers have even more reasons to enjoy a sweet slice of the tasty fruit. Findings from USDA scientists indicate that watermelon contains high levels of lycopene - an antioxidant that may help the body fight cancer and prevent disease. Found only in select fruits and vegetables, lycopene is very effective at trapping cancer-promoting agents called free-oxygen radicals. A study found that men who ate lycopene-rich diets of tomatoes and tomato products had a much lower risk of developing certain cancers, especially prostrate cancer. A and a half of watermelon contains about 14 or 15 mg of lycopene - higher than many other fruits.
Source : TOI

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Do Eat Favorite Foods

10. Eat your favorite foods regularly.

If you deny yourself your favorite high-fat foods, you are more likely to crave them and finally binge. Occasionally eating these foods can reduce cravings and binges. Remember, no food is taboo. Every food is okay in moderation.

Source : University of Arizona

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Eat More During Day.

9. Eat bigger meals earlier in the day, when activity is greatest, and smaller meals in the evening.

Eat meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain blood glucose and energy levels. During the evening, activity is usually minimal. As a result, a large meal will more likely be stored as fat. A moderate-size evening meal will help replace glycogen stores.

Source : University of Arizona

Monday, May 08, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Don't Cut Out All Fat Items

8. Don't cut out all fat items.

Many athletes feel that fat intake is the culprit to unwanted weight gain. Although excess fat intake leads to weight gain, a certain amount of fat is necessary to maintain good health and performance.

Source : University of Arizona

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Chose Low-Fat Food

7. Calories from all the food and drink you swallow adds up.

Some foods provide more calories than others. Foods that are high in fat, generally are higher in calories. Choosing low-fat foods can aid in weight loss by reducing total calorie intake. Loading up on foods naturally high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and limiting high fat items like cheese, butter, oil, whole milk, red meat, and sweets will aid in these recommendations (see tips on low-fat eating and low-fat food items).

Source : University of Arizona

Friday, May 05, 2006

Weight Loss Tips - Eat Slowly

6. Eat slowly.

It takes time for the body to adjust to the food eaten and to send a satiety signal to the brain. Eating slowly helps prevent overeating by allowing time for this signal to take effect.

Source : University of Arizona

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Drink Plenty Of Water

5. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

In addition to water, plain ice tea and caffeine-free, artificially sweetened drinks can also help reduce daily caloric intake and help to keep you hydrated.

Source : University of Arizona

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Eat Smaller Food Portions

4. Eat Smaller Food Portions

Decreasing your portion sizes will help cut caloric intake.

Source : Unversity of Arizona

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Don't Skip Meals !

3. Don't skip meals.

Food intake at regular intervals, three or more times a day, is necessary to fuel the body. Also, waiting until you're "starved" to eat can lead to binge eating.

Source : Unversity of Arizona

Monday, May 01, 2006

Take Variety Of Food !

2. Choose a variety of foods from all of the food groups.

Don't cut calories too low. This can slow metabolism and make it difficult to consume the necessary nutrients for performance and health.
Source : University of Arizona

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Weight Loss Tip - Gradual Weight Loss

Hello Everyone,

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1. A gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week, allows for weight loss without irritability, fatigue, and weakness.

Creating a daily deficit of 500 calories is the most efficient way to create long-term weight loss. This can be done by reducing daily caloric intake by 500 calories, increasing physical activity by 500 calories, or by combining physical activity and caloric intake to create a 500-calorie deficit.

Source : University of Arizona


Friday, March 17, 2006

Weight Loss Suggestion by American Obesity Association

A modest amount of weight loss (just 5% to 10% of your initial weight) can reduce your risk of serious health problems such as: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer and arthritis, and respiratory disease.

Source: American Obesity Association